Saturday, September 12, 2015

Day 60!

We have officially reached day 60 of the "Ultimate Road Trip" and we are amazed that living in a camping trailer has not driven us crazy! But the touring is the key-so much beautiful country and interesting people to talk to.

We spent Day 59 in Yellowstone, a repeat visit. It has its own beauty but I am a lover of snow capped peaks and tall mountains. Geysers-not so much. I'm just sayin'...

Having seen Old Faithful blow its top a couple of times, we decided to travel to a new section. Mammoth Geyser, Gibbon Falls and the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone. Along the way we spotted many buffalo and elk.

This was the final tourist stop on the grand trip! We are planning to camp a few more days in Idaho and then head to the Ruby Mountains in Nevada before the final push home. We are giving the wildfire, smoke and heat a chance to clear out.

There is one picture included of a black bear swimming its way toward our trailer! Bob spotted him on the shoreline of the lake and soon he was headed our way. We had left the grill out from dinner so Bob decided he better get it put away. Just opening the door, diverted its attention so that he turned around and swam back to shore. But the camp hosts are alerting us of many bear sightings in the campground. So we are to be alert.

Would I do this trip again-in a heartbeat! I highly recommend it for anyone who enjoys beautiful wilderness, breath-taking scenery, spotting wildlife and has a bit of adventure in their blood. For now, Two B's on the Road will head home and readjust. About January I will start planning the next trip!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Farewell "Big Sky Country"...

Montana's nickname is Big Sky Country and today's pictures should give you a hint at the reason why. We drove the length of the state today, leaving behind the lushness of Glacier and heading into rolling, long flat stretches with the Rockies always in view.

As we neared Idaho, we crossed the Madison River in Ennis, Montana. I thought my fly fisherman husband was going to jump out and leave me to find my own way home!!!! It's a pretty famous spot (for fisherman types) and he was drooling. But since we were headed for another fishing area in Idaho, he calmed down a bit.

We now sit camped on the banks of Henry's Lake in Idaho, not far from the west entrance toYellowstone. Bob will fish the nearby Henry's Fork-a notable fly fishing venue. I, on the other hand, intend to rest up! I know I am on vacation, but I need to stay put for awhile!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

A Drive through Glacier National Park

Today was our 3rd visit to Glacier National Park and it remains one of our favorites! The road through the park is named, Going to the Sun Highway, full of twists and turns and awesome scenery. So off we went despite the low hanging clouds. We reached the top, but not the sun!

We are now in 70 degree weather and hanging on as long as possible. We understand its triple digit heat at home-ugh!

Tomorrow we hit the road again, headed to Yellowstone NP. Another revisit of an awesome park.

Into Alberta and on to Montana!

We left behind the Yukon, British Columbia and entered Alberta to enjoy the beauty of Jasper National Park. Mountains, lush forests, lakes and waterfalls abound. Plus Jasper is a shopping kind of town! It was a fun stop.

We awoke to a misty, overcast day to travel, travel, travel. It was our longest day on the road-11 hours. We drove through Jasper NP, Banff NP and Kootenay NP all part of the Canadian Rockies- all breathtaking. 

I have had my trusty Nikon 3200 in my lap everyday for 56 days of travel to capture pictures of gorgeous scenery and wildlife. I have not been disappointed. For this day of travel, I captured more wildlife and scenery despite the weather.

We are sitting just outside the entrance to Glacier NP in Montana for a return visit to a favorite spot. New post will be from our trip through the park.

Travel, Respite, Travel...

Since the last post we have been without Internet and cell service, thus the lag in communication. This post covers our trip along the Cassiar Highway as we depart for home. Sept. 1-5.

We spent the last three days on a beautiful lake along the Cassiar Highway, Meziadin Lake Provincial Park. You will see a picture of the view out our window-we were right at the shore of the lovely turquoise waters. This location was a much anticipated stop to visit the towns of Stewart, BC and Hyder, Alaska. They sit side by side on the border of southeast Alaska and northwest BC. Stewart is home to glaciers and beautiful scenery. We drove a gravel road to reach Salmon Glacier-that we looked down on-unbelievable! You usually witness a glacier from boat or at the base, for those you can drive to. This was a scary drive for me, but Bob told me to "hang loose"! Hyder is considered the "friendliest ghost town" in Alaska. It is home to Fish Creek-a spot the Grizzlies visit while the salmon are spawning. We saw a let of salmon, but no Grizzlies. The ranger said it was a bit late in the season.

As we were driving to Fish Creek, much to our delight, a mama black bear and her cubs crossed the road in fron of us! Please note, the mama has a fish in her mouth! I nearly dropped the camera getting that picture!

We hit another "hang loose" road on Friday we went in search of a fish ladder on the Nass and Meziadin Rivers. Yep, we found it and the workers counting salmon, measuring them and taking a scale sample. The falls were forceful and pretty spcacular. Just to think, the salmon ar swimming upstream!

The trip south on the Cassiar Highway to Meziadin Lake was an adventure ( rocking  and rolling along) plus bear sighting as well as Lynx.

We are going about 300 miles out of the way to go home through Glacier National Park and Yellowstone but they are a couple of our favorites. Hopefully we will have some pictures to post of the Canadian Rockies.

We have traveled 8000+ miles and have about 2000 to go. Each day brings new scenery to delight us. Yes, we are getting weary, but aren't ready to through in the towel just yet!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Is is Fall or maybe...Winter!

Travel Days 48 & 49:  We departed Valdez about 7am with a gale force wind howling. We drove through great areas beginning to show fall colors. When we arrived in Tok at 12:30, it was simply too early to stop for the day so on we went toward Discovery Yukon Lodgings about 55 miles past the Canadian Border.

We set up camp very quickly-cold,windy and snowy! The campground was very nice-large areas between the sites, mountains in the background and far enough from the road for no road noise. It was decorated with many antiques-washing machines as well as military vehicles; plus moose antlers and heads of all kinds of animals.

Left this morning with a temperature reading of 37 degrees. It was wet, the road was the one with the reputation-dirt, rock, pitted, wash-board,etc! The price you must pay to drive to and from Alaska! But the scenery abounds and with the fall colors and snow-it was gorgeous. The pictures will tell the story.

Tomorrow it's on to Watson Lake as we head slowly toward home.