Monday, July 27, 2015

Sunshine, Fishing and a Bear!

7/26: Day 12

Last night we spotted a grizzly eating grass near the river and Bob caught a Dolly Varden (catch & release). It was a successful end to our stay in Haines, Ak.

Today we traveled to Destruction Bay on the shores of Kluane Lake, back in the Yukon Territory. Destruction Bay is so named because of a storm that destroyed buildings and much of the equipment stored there during the building of the Alaska Highway. Cottonwood CG is a beautiful spot right on the shores of Kluane Lake, the largest lake in the Yukon Territory. The wind is howling outside our windows, whitecaps are on the lake and the camper is rocking, but we have a spectacular view!

I have to backtrack for a bit of info I forgot to share earlier. Joyce's father worked on the building of the Alaskan Highway! She is actually honoring him and retracing places he would have been, during his time on the project.  ( Joyce is one of our traveling buddies) We took a side trip when we left Dawson Creek, to drive across the Kiskatinan Bridge-over an original portion of the AH. It is a curved wooden structure, pictured below.

Tomorrow we will drive the most challenging portions of the Alaska Highway, between here and Tok, Alaska. The road is infamous for frost heaves, construction, reconstruction and chip sealing. It will be a long, rough 200 or so miles!

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