Saturday, July 18, 2015

The Alaska Highway

We have arrived in Dawson Creek, BC, some 1800 miles from home. This is the official starting point of the Alaskan Highway, built during WW II to provide a supply route to Alaska in case the Japanese gained control of the water routes. Now it is an adventure for those of us who dare to tackle it!

We had our first taste of road construction today with a long stretch of seal coating. Picture below of the dust that resulted, not to mention all the rocks being thrown out. We expect to get a hit in our windshield sooner or later-hoping for later or not at all!

California friends-it is so very green here! Bob is drooling over the beautiful rivers and streams that we pass along the way. His fishing hands are getting itchy! We had a short shower this evening but the clouds around us are foreboding. It could be a rainy travel day tomorrow.

Tomorrow we continue the march to the Yukon Territory, planning to arrive on Monday. I am looking forward to our arrival in Whitehorse, YT where we will plant ourselves for several days!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure that you're glad to finally be on the road. You've planned a wonderful trip and I hope that it lives up to your expectations. Congrats on making to the beginning of the you're much anticipated adventure begins. I wish we could join you, and I look forward to following along through the blog. It will give me a chance to relive and remember our experiences.

    We made the whole trip without dinging a windshield.

    Continued safe travels- Mike
