Wednesday, August 5, 2015

A Bear and the Mountain

What a fantastic day! We spent 12 hours touring the park by bus-sounds awful, but they stopped at several spots along the way to the end of the park road at Kantishna  Road House. The longest segment was 1 hour and a half. At the Road House we enjoyed a lunch of minestrone soup and turkey wrap sandwiches plus a giant chocolate chip cookie. There were opportunities for gold panning in the creek, dog sled demonstration or just sitting on the porch and rocking- our choice!

It was a beautiful day with glorious views of Denali plus close up wildlife as you will see! Much to our delight, upon our return to camp, was our nephew who lives in Florida. He has been on Kodiak Island this summer serving as captain on fishing expeditions. We are enjoying an evening visiting with him. In Alaska of all places!

So today we had a close up with a grizzly right outside the bus, a family of Willow Ptarmigan(the state bird)and fantastic views of the mountain!

Tomorrow is a down day, prepping to move on down the line!

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