Wednesday, August 19, 2015

It's a Small World!

Day 36-have never traveled for this long or stayed away from home for this long. Since new sights fill our senses each day, it's easy to do.

We visited two nearby areas today- Clam Gulch and Anchor Point.

Clam Gulch is popular for digging  up razor clams. You go out on the mudflats during low tide and use an instrument (Bob has one) that pulls them out of the muck! Nope, we did not do that today...The Alaskan Beaches are interesting, mostly gravel then wide sandy, mucky area. During high tide, all is covered, but as the tide goes out more and more beach, along with gravel is exposed. Pictures will give you the idea. We spotted an unusual looking jellyfish and picked up some interesting rocks. We understand that they hunt for agates on the beach-much to my dismay, no seaglass!

Then it was on to Anchor Point, the furthest western highway point. It is a pretty little community along the Anchor River. The bridge over the river is known as the "Erector Set" bridge. Do they still produce erector sets????

There's also a picture of the mountain in all its glory this morning along with a shot of how they "dock" the boats here!

On the way back to camp we stopped in a local spot for pizza. Much to our amazement, our waitress is from Lodi, CA! For out of state readers, that was my work location for 20 years and where we do most of our shopping. Small world-her grandparents spend summers here running a charter service and winter in Lodi running a small winery. The granddaughter attended Jim Elliott and now goes to college in Southern California. The grandparents stopped in while we were there so we had a nice chat. He was very knowledgeable about Valley Springs and apparently built many of the homes there. Anybody know Gary Buzunis???

Tomorrow it's on to Homer! I think this camping spot will be perfect-I've got my fingers crossed!

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